About the artist
Hannah was born and raised in Aurora, Colorado. When she was 20 yrs. old, she moved to Maryville, Tennessee with her family. After being inspired to paint out scripture, she started painting gifts for her friends and family. Now she is as an inspiring professional artist. Throughout her life, she has been artistic and creative. In 2021, she was working at Master’s Edition Fine Art Gallery, in the Smoky Mountains, as a Master Highlighter. Now she has taken her skills to the next level, filling in her different gaps of art knowledge, by completing the Art Mastery program at Milan Art Institute.
Throughout the art program, she learned new skills and sharpened others. She still paints out the truths of scripture but in a deeper level of creativity. Using mixed media she creates something new and exciting, yet deep and contemplative. Layer by layer each part of the painting has a meaning and a purpose. Sometimes the image painted is an exact representation of the verse or it can be a reflection of the truth behind the verse(s). She hopes that her audience can enjoy and ponder the art and the scripture behind it. When they hang her art on their walls, it can draw them closer to God, change their lives and bring them encouragement.
Currently, she paints in her home studio, on the outskirts of Maryville near the Smoky Mountains. If she is not in her studio, you can find her with her family, friends, working, or serving at her local church. In the future, she would like to be a traveling artist doing missionary work, supporting charities, and painting to spread the Word of God around the world.